mercredi 9 décembre 2015

La NSA et les hackers

L'agence américaine est particulièrement agressive pour prévenir les attaques des hackers.

 "The NSA is among the most aggressive agencies in government for pursuing new cyber talent, and clearly it has some pull: potential applicants stood two and sometimes three deep in Baltimore, curious about what life just might be like working for an agency central to the country’s intelligence gathering operations, and which also is still struggling to rebuild its reputation after being front and center in the Edward Snowden scandal. This is just one of the hundreds of events on college campuses and job fairs across the country where NSA recruiters compete for talent. They comb LinkedIn for résumés; there’s an “NSA Careers” app for smartphones that pumps out job postings and professionally produced videos with titles like “The Truth About The Polygraph” and “Crazy Smart,” aimed at demystifying one of the government’s most mysterious agencies. They even show up on the hacker circuit, assuring potential candidates they shouldn’t automatically assume they’re disqualified from a government job because of “indiscretions in the past.”"

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