mercredi 9 décembre 2015

Ted Cruz n'y comprend rien

Le Sénateur texan et candidat à l'investiture Ted Cruz n'hésite jamais à critiquer ses adversaires, mais il ne le fait pas pour dénoncer Donald Trump. Comment peut-il se présenter en ardent défenseur de la constitution américaine et ne pas condamner un homme qui s'en prend ouvertement à la liberté de culte, à la tolérance?

 "Cruz had no words of criticism for Trump or his proposal and went on to praise the real estate tycoon for drawing attention to the issue of border security. “Certainly in the media there has been no shortage of criticism for Donald Trump. I do not believe the world needs my voice added that chorus of critics. And listen, I commend Donald Trump for standing up and focusing America’s attention on the need to secure our borders. Border security is national security,” Cruz said.

Even worse, on Monday Cruz said he’d put Trump in his Cabinet. “I like and respect Donald Trump,” he proclaimed. You have to wonder why Cruz would admire such a hateful figure with such extreme ideas. Is it Trump’s misogyny that he finds commendable? Maybe he finds his plan to round up all illegal aliens and their children worthy of praise."

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