mardi 29 septembre 2015

Caricature Obama, Poutine et la poignée de main secrète


Jeb Bush en chute: on jase! (Washington Post)

Aucun autre candidat républicain ou démocrate n'a engrangé autant de fonds que Jeb Bush, c'est peut-être ce qui explique qu'on discute peu de ces résultats désastreux dans les sondages. Le Washington Post accorde quelques lignes à cette question aujourd'hui.

  "Carson, Fiorina and Trump are not going to be our nominee," the strategist said. "It is a two-man race, Jeb versus Marco. And while I think Marco has a real shot , the idea that they are equal is also ridiculous. Jeb is built for the long haul, which gives him a leg up."

The question that has to keep Bush and his team up at night, however, is: What happens if all of those ads paid for by all of that money don't move Republican voters who have quite clearly not been won over by what Bush has shown on the campaign trail?

The good news on that front for Bush is that 55 percent of Republican primary voters in the NBC-WSJ poll said they could see themselves supporting him, while 43 percent said they couldn't. That's not great, but it's actually the fourth-best showing in the GOP field — even as opinions about Bush were, notably, less favorable than they were about Rubio on that question.

The bad news for Bush is that on immigration, an issue that fires up the GOP base like almost no other, he is deeply out of step with the activists. Bush has said repeatedly that he supports some form of comprehensive immigration reform in a party whose base believes it is "amnesty" to let any of the 11 million (or so) people who entered the country illegally stay here. That's to say nothing of his support for Common Core educational standards — a program considered a federal overreach by conservatives — or the dynastic last name that he carries in a nation in a deeply anti-politician mood.

Caricature de l'eau sur Mars: bientôt près de chez nous?


Chronique à "Québec aujourd'hui" sur BLVD 102,1

Nos échanges de ce matin dans la section "réécouter" du 29 septembre:

Trevor Noah fait ses débuts à la barre du Daily Sow: the war on bullshit goes on!

lundi 28 septembre 2015

Obama et Poutine tension palpable

Au moment où Barack Obama et Vladimir Poutine lèvent leur verre, la photo montre bien les regards intenses des deux hommes. Ce court topo du Washington post revient sur la relation tendue entre les deux hommes. Les photos sélectionnées sont plutôt révélatrices.

 "For President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the luncheon is just a precursor to a longer one-on-one talk scheduled to take place later in the day. These face-to-face meetings are relatively rare for the two men, who talk on the phone with relatively frequency, but they have not met in person recently. Many of their previous personal meetings have been remarkably brief – and sometimes quite awkward."

Caricature Carly Fiorina: examen de la vue


 Les discussions sur le budget au Congrès achoppe sur le financement accordé à l'organisme Planned parenthood. L'organisation qui fait la promotion de la planification familiale et de l'éducation sexuelle se trouve au milieu d'une vilaine controverse. Des enregistrements dont l'origine est douteuse laissent croire que des dirigeants se seraient livrés au trafic d'organes prélevés sur des foetus. Carly Fiorina a exploité cette controverse lors du second débat des candidats républicains en ne mentionnant pas la possibilité que la vidéo ait été truquée et en exagérant le contenu de certaines images.

Caricature de l'eau sur Mars


John Oliver, les migrants et les réfugiés

Obama fustige Poutin, Cheney et Trump à l'O.N.U.

Le Président ratisse large dans ses critiques.

 "Obama mocked Putin’s state-run media for portraying the Ukraine move as proof of a resurgent Russia, noting that it only drove Ukraine closer to Europe and led to sanctions that had crippled the economy in Moscow. Obama is set to meet with Putin later in the day, ending a year of estrangement over Ukraine.

Obama invoked Iraq as an example of how the United States itself stumbled by going against international law, saying that American leadership had failed then with consequences that continue to ripple. A key figure pushing for that invasion was then-Vice President Dick Cheney, who showed little concern for international law.

“Unless we work with other nations under the mantle of international principles … we will not succeed,” Obama said. “Any order that our militaries will impose will be temporary.”

Caricature Poutine rencontre Obama


Junipero Serra: la statue du nouveau saint vandalisée

Je mentionnais la semaine dernière qu'il y avait plusieurs opposants à la candidature de Junipero Serra. Le Pape François a fait du fondateur des missions espagnoles en Californie un nouveau saint peu de temps après son arrivée aux États-Unis. J'ai eu l'occasion de visiter la mission Carmel à plusieurs reprises et il s'agit d'en endroit paisible et d'un lieu de mémoire favorable au recueillement.

 "“Saint of Genocide” they wrote on a headstone at the Carmel Mission in Carmel, Calif., where Serra is buried. They also poured green paint on a statue of Serra and splashed headstones with blood-red paint.%% The incident is being investigated as a hate crime because the vandals targeted “specifically the headstones of people of European descent, and not Native American descent,” Carmel police Sgt. Luke Powell told the Los Angeles Times."

Marco Rubio ne veut rien savoir du "Trump freak show"

La déclaration de Rubio au sujet de Trump est intéressante si on la replace dans le contexte. Le sénateur de la Floride monte dans les sondages et il récupère plusieurs des appuis de Scott Walker qui a abandonné la course la semaine dernière. Comment parler de Trump en en parlant pas? C'est ce qu'il tente de faire ici.

 "The comments echo what Rubio told Fox News' Bill O'Reilly last Thursday, calling the billionaire mogul "thin-skinned and sensitive to criticism" and someone who "can't have a conversation about policy because quite frankly he doesn't know anything about policy.”

Poutine se moque de la stratégie américaine en Syrie

Vladimir Poutine et Barack Obama doivent se rencontrer aujourd'hui. Poutine met la table...

 "In an interview with CBS and PBS that was released by the Kremlin, Putin said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad commanded the only legitimate army fighting Islamic State militants in Syria and deserves support from countries combating terrorist groups.

“In my view, providing military aid to illegitimate organizations contravenes the principles of international law and the U.N. Charter,” he said, according to an excerpt. “We back only legal government entities.”

Jeb Bush semoncé par ses donateurs

Jeb Bush a la campagne la plus riche chez les candidats républicains, mais comme il stagne dans les sondages il fallait s'attendre à que de généreux donateurs haussent le ton éventuellement. L'ancien gouverneur de la Floride doit s'imposer.

 "The warnings from top donors come as Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s exit from the race re­focused the battle within the GOP’s establishment wing as one between Bush and his former protege, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). Right now, the momentum appears to be behind Rubio, who has jumped ahead of Bush in most polls. At least a third of the bundlers who signed up to raise money for Walker have switched their allegiance to Rubio, while a smaller number have gone with Bush, according to people familiar with the discussions."

Bryce Harper vs Jonathan Papelbon: querelle en page couverture

Je dépose rarement ce type d'entrée sur mon carnet web, mais lorsque le Washington post place l'incident sur sa page couverture, je me laisse tenter. La photo qui coiffe ce billet illustre bien l'expression "choker" ou étouffer sous la pression... Les attentes étaient très élevées pour les Nationals et la dégringolade est particulièrement difficile à digérer.

 "Now the 2015 Nationals take their place in a dark D.C. corner with the 2000 Redskins, who boasted of their Super Bowl chances after signing future Hall of Famers Deion Sanders and Bruce Smith. Also in that dunce-cap row sit the 2009-10 Presidents’ Trophy-winning Capitals, who lost in the first round of the playoffs to the team with the 16th-best point total in the NHL in the regular season."

dimanche 27 septembre 2015

Caricature président musulman aux États-Unis?


Troisième débat républicain: la dernière chance pour plusieurs candidats?

Il y a encore un flou en ce qui concerne les règles utilisées pour identifier les candidats qui participeront au troisième débat le 28 octobre. Pour plusieurs ce débat peut être déterminant.

 "“Let’s just say the goal is to create a threshold that candidates have to meet to qualify for the stage rather than committing to putting 10 candidates on the stage. And I don’t think we should commit to more than 10 candidate debates. You have to be viable. So now we’re in debate three it’s time to show viability and only the viable ones survive,” Todd said during an interview on ESPN radio last week. “You can do it a couple different ways. I don’t believe in setting a set number. I think maybe you come up with 'oh are you at five percent or more in Iowa or New Hampshire' you can create a sort of floor, no more four-percenters get in, no more three-percenters get in.”

 While such a floor would clearly eliminate Jindal, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, former New York Gov. George Pataki and former Pennsylania Sen. Rick Santorum, it could also threaten other candidates of lower standing, including Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee."

Le Pape François à Independence Hall

C'est près d'Independence Hall à Philadelphie que le pape participait hier à une soirée placée sous le thème de la famille. Parmi plusieurs sujets, le Pape François a consacré plusieurs minutes à la liberté de culte et la tolérance religieuse.

 "Francis listed the ways the exercise of religion suffered and how it could be twisted, without any specific references, such as to cruel interpretations of Islam by the Islamic State in Iraq and by the Taliban in Afghanistan or, in a completely different category, defiance in this country on religious grounds of same-sex marriage rulings.

“In a world where various forms of modern tyranny seek to suppress religious freedom, or try to reduce it to a subculture without right to a voice in the public square, or to use religion as a pretext for hatred and brutality,” Francis said, “it is imperative that the followers of the various religions join their voices in calling for peace, tolerance and respect for the dignity and rights of others.”

Caricature Pape François devant le Congrès américaine


vendredi 25 septembre 2015

Cyberespionnage: Obama et Xi Jinping s'entendent

On s'entend pour ne plus s'espionner... Vraiment? 

"The two sides also said they would set up a high-level joint dialogue on cybercrime in which senior officials from both countries would be able to review allegations of cyber-intrusions. They agreed to establish a hotline to discuss issues that might arise in that process.

The U.S. secretary of homeland security and the attorney general will co-chair the dialogue on the American side.

Sanctions are not off the table, Obama administration officials said.

Obama said he described to Xi the “tools” the administration has to deter and punish cybercrime and cyberattacks. They include criminal indictments, such as the those issued against five Chinese military officials last year for economic cyberespionage. He said that while they did not discuss specific cases of alleged Chinese cybertheft, he mentioned the executive order he signed in April that authorized the imposition of economic sanctions for malicious cyber-acts."

John Boehner et les mutins

Confronté à un nouvel affrontement avec la faction radicale de ses membres, Boehner a préféré se sacrifier. Qui peut le remplacer et tenter de maintenir unité et discipline au sein des troupes?

 "Boehner's decision, relayed in a closed Republican meeting Friday morning, will indeed set off one of the most intense leadership scrambles in modern Congressional GOP politics. Second in line is McCarthy, who is widely expected to serve as the next speaker. But there is serious unrest in the House Republican ranks.

A clutch of conservatives has continuously clashed with establishment Republicans. It takes 218 votes on the House floor to win the speakership, and many GOP insiders believe that McCarthy is the only person who could cobble together a coalition of that size.

Should McCarthy win, it will set off an intense battle for majority leader. Boehner allies appear to be rallying around McCarthy for speaker already, providing him a hefty base for the internal House Republican Conference election, and a speaker vote on the House floor."

Caricature Pape François le bon berger


Caricature Joh Boehner "décide" de partir


Caricature John Boehner quitte


 Jamais facile le travail de speaker à la Chambre, surtout avec la division qui règne dans le camp républicain. Boehner peine depuis des années à garder les plus radicaux dans le rang. La faction Tea party aura-t-elle finalement eu sa tête?

Cartels mexicains de l'héroïne et petites villes américaines: la nouvelle frontière?

La stratégie des cartels pour prendre le contrôle du marché aux États-Unis. Ingénieux et effrayant...

 "Mexican cartels have overtaken the U.S. heroin trade, imposing an almost corporate discipline. They grow and process the drug themselves, increasingly replacing their traditional black tar with an innovative high-quality powder with mass market appeal: It can be smoked or snorted by newcomers as well as shot up by hard-core addicts.

They have broadened distribution beyond the old big-city heroin centers like Chicago or New York to target unlikely places such as Dayton. The midsize Midwestern city today is considered to be an epicenter of the heroin problem, with addicts buying and overdosing in unsettling droves. Crack dealers on street corners have been supplanted by heroin dealers ranging across a far wider landscape, almost invisible to law enforcement. They arrange deals by cellphone and deliver heroin like pizza.

In August of last year, a window opened into this shadowy world: A tip led federal drug agents to Vargas, a low-level courier willing to tell them what he knew in exchange for leniency."

Marco Rubio profite du retrait de Scott Walker

Je continue de croire que les principaux candidats sérieux pour la présidentielle du côté des républicains sont Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio et John Kasich. On peut garder Chris Christie et Caly Fiorina en réserve. Lorsqu'on analyse les retombées de l'abandon de Scott Walker, on constate que ses partisans trouveront de quoi se satisfaire dans le discours de Marco Rubio. ce dernier est un des rares candidats à être en mesure de faire le pont entre les éléments plus conservateurs et les modérées au sein de sa formation politique, un exploit. Y parviendra-t-il?

 "After Walker’s sudden exit from the race on Monday, several campaigns tried to quickly snatch up the Wisconsin governor’s staff and supporters. But the spotlight quickly found Rubio, who was fresh off another widely praised debate performance and is enjoying a bump in the polls.

“He was strong in the debate and appeals to much of the base that Walker was focused on,” a New Hampshire Republican said. “He's also a natural for picking off Walker's donor base.”

Democrats in New Hampshire agreed — with 52 percent naming Rubio as the winner. “Rubio benefits, in the sense that a cleaner, smaller field gives him more of a chance to shine. His strategy has long been to be in the conversation when it got serious, and the field got smaller. He is the most talented candidate running, and, it appears, a very disciplined candidate, as well. As the field thins out, these strengths will become more evident.”

Caricature Keystone XL: Hillary se branche (enfin!) et s'oppose au projet


John Boehner quitte

Nouvelle importante chez les républicains du Congrès, le speaker John Boehner quitte à la fin du mois d'octobre. En poste depuis cinq ans Boehner a parfois peiné à maintenir l'unité dans les rangs divisés par les élus proches du Tea party. Il y a actuellement peu d'informations sur les motifs de sa démission. Une histoire à suivre...

Caricature Xi Jingping à Washington après François...


Caricature Pape François et capitalisme: des retombées insoupçonnées?


Caricature Pape François et Bernie Sanders


jeudi 24 septembre 2015

Caricature Volkswagen et siège éjectable


 Le président Martin Winterkorn a annoncé sa démission.

Caricature Ben Carson et les musulmans


Obama rencontrera Poutine la semaine prochaine

On avait évoqué cette possibilité la semaine dernière. La rencontre se déroulera dans le cadre de l'Assemblée générale des Nations-Unies.

 "The White House issued a statement saying that despite differences in policy, the two leaders needed to discuss Russia's recent military reinforcement of embattled Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and continuing violations of a cease-fire accord for Ukraine that was negotiated by Russian, Ukrainian and European leaders in Minsk, the capital of Belarus."

Le Pape devant le Congrès: retranscription du discours

Parmi les sujets abordés par François il y avait un appel à bien accueillir les immigrants.

 "In recent centuries, millions of people came to this land to pursue their dream of building a future in freedom. We, the people of this continent, are not fearful of foreigners, because most of us were once foreigners. I say this to you as the son of immigrants, knowing that so many of you are also descended from immigrants. Tragically, the rights of those who were here long before us were not always respected. For those peoples and their nations, from the heart of American democracy, I wish to reaffirm my highest esteem and appreciation. Those first contacts were often turbulent and violent, but it is difficult to judge the past by the criteria of the present. Nonetheless, when the stranger in our midst appeals to us, we must not repeat the sins and the errors of the past. We must resolve now to live as nobly and as justly as possible, as we educate new generations not to turn their back on our “neighbors” and everything around us. Building a nation calls us to recognize that we must constantly relate to others, rejecting a mindset of hostility in order to adopt one of reciprocal subsidiarity, in a constant effort to do our best. I am confident that we can do this."

 Retranscription complète du discours en cliquant sur ce lien:

Caricature Yogi Berra sur le mensonge


Caricature Volkswagen: nouveaux test d'émissions polluantes


Caricature François pape modeste...


mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Hillary Clinton "the original birther" (Donald Trump)

Nouvelle attaque saugrenue de Donald Trump, le mouvement des "birthers" (ceux qui croyaient que Barack Obama n'était pas né aux États-Unis) aurait été lancé par Hillary Clinton lors de la campagne 2008. Déjà l'affirmation du milliardaire ne tenait pas la route, mais voilà que le sénateur du Texas Ted Cruz, lui aussi candidat à l'investiture républicaine, vient appuyer cette "thèse". Ce sont de telles inepties qui discréditent le Parti républicain. Il y a encore des politiciens sérieux et crédibles au sein du GOP, mais ce ne sont pas ceux-là qui captent l'attention des médias.

 "And more and more conservatives have settled on the Trump line — that the questions about Obama's citizenship were so slimy that they obviously came from the Clinton camp. "The whole birther thing was started by the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008 against Barack Obama," Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) confidently told Yahoo News this summer.

The problem: This is simply not true. Clinton's campaign, one of the most thoroughly dissected in modern history, never raised questions about the future president's citizenship. The idea that it did is based largely on a series of disconnected actions by supporters of Clinton, mostly in the months between Obama's reaction to the Jeremiah Wright story and the Democratic National Convention. I know, because I spent/wasted quite a lot of time covering this stuff.

It's probably best to start by dividing up the Trump/Cruz/conservative claims. Clinton never personally called for the release of Obama's birth certificate or questioned his American bona fides. You would have heard about that. But her campaign did ask an obvious question: How to convince Democratic voters that "Barack Hussein Obama" was not electable? In March 2007, in a memo later obtained by reporter Joshua Green, Clinton pollster Mark Penn dismissed Obama with the suggestion that he was simply too alien to win a national election."

Chronique à "Radio-Canada cet après-midi": la visite du pape François, Yogi Berra et la course républicaine

La chronique débute à 17h25 sur l'audio fil du 23 septembre:

Junipero Serra nouveau saint controversé?

Caricature de Steve Greenburg

Le Pape François a confirmé aujourd'hui que le fondateur des missions espagnoles en Californie devenait un nouveau saint, le premier en sol américain. Si créer le réseau des missions fut un exploit, le traitement réservé aux Premières Nations à l'intérieur des murs de ces missions suscite des réactions.

 Voici comment François a abordé le sujet aujourd'hui:

 "Junipero Serra left his native land and its way of life," Francis said in his homily during the canonization Mass at Catholic University in Washington. "He was excited about blazing trails, going forth to meet many people, learning and valuing their particular customs and ways of life."

The Pope praised Serra's treatment of Native Americans, saying that he "sought to defend the dignity of the native community, to protect it from those who had mistreated and abused it."

"Mistreatment and wrongs which today still trouble us," Francis continued, "especially because of the hurt which they cause in the lives of many people."

Voici l'intervention d'un représentant des Premières Nations:

 "We're stunned and we're in disbelief," said Valentin Lopez, 63, chairman of the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band located along Monterey Bay in California.

"We believe saints are supposed to be people who followed in the life of Jesus Christ and the words of Jesus Christ. There was no Jesus Christ lifestyle at the missions," Lopez said, who has campaigned against sainthood for Serra."

Caricature Pape François, Obama et la droite américaine


Caricature Yogi Berra et les "perles de sagesse"


Caricature Yogi berra: hommage


Caricature Yogi Berra "It ain't over until it's over"


Caricature Pape François et entrée triomphale aux États-Unis


Caricature Volkswagen: das auto...

Caricature de TOM JANSSEN, THE NETHERLANDS - 9/23/2015 12:00:00 AM

Ben Carson: neurochirurgien brillant, mais politicien ignorant?

J'ai déjà eu l'occasion de commenter certaines des déclarations du candidat républicain Ben Carson. Ce denier a une réputation de brillant chirurgien, mais on ne peut en dire autant de sa performance globale depuis qu'il a annoncé sa candidature à l'investiture républicaine. On peut croire que Carson s'inspire du "succès" de Donald trump qui a lancé haut et fort quelques bravades, mais il y a également une limite à dire n'importe quoi, surtout si on représente un parti qui joue la carte du patriotisme et du respect de la constitution.

 "At worst, he is kind of a dunderhead. He does not believe in evolution; he thinks that climate change is “irrelevant” and says Obamacare is “the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery.”

Also, Carson has a shaky understanding of the U.S. Constitution. He believes, for instance, it is perfectly OK to impose a religious test on candidates for president to determine if their religion is consistent with “our,” which is to say, his, principles.

As he told Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press” on Sunday, “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.”

Why not?

Because Islam does not fit “within the realm of America” and it is not “consistent with the Constitution.”

Yet the Constitution expressly forbids religious tests. Article VI, paragraph 3 of the Constitution states that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

Les Tours de Laliberté migrent: rejoignez-moi sur le site du Journal de Québec et du Journal de Montréal

Depuis un certain temps je me demandais comment faire évoluer mon petit carnet web. La réponse m'est parvenue par le biais d'u...