mardi 23 février 2016

Révolution politique: Trump ou Sanders?

Dans le Washington Post de ce matin, Catherine Rampell avance que le candidat de la "révolution" n'est pas celui qu'on pense. Point de vue pertinent.

 "Trump — an innovative politician if ever there were one — surely deserves much of the credit for these blockbuster numbers, just as he’s helped deliver blockbuster viewership for the primary debates.

His outrageousness, race-baiting, impossible promises and perfectly tuned ear for what constituents want to hear has helped bring disaffected Americans off the sidelines far more effectively than Sanders has. In Iowa, 46 percent of Republican caucus participants were first-timers this year, compared with 38 percent in 2012.

Does this mean that Trump will help deliver victories “up and down the line,” or at least further down the ticket to his ideological allies, as Sanders predicted for a left-leaning turnout surge?"

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