jeudi 24 mars 2016

Le Tango d'Obama en Argentine dérange aux États-Unis

Déjà les images du Président effectuant la vague en compagnie de Raul Castro avaient dérangé puisque le Président assistait à un match de baseball quelques heures après l'attentat de Bruxelles. Si on souligne ici l'importance de son passage en Argentine, on critique le fait de voir un Président se divertir plutôt que d'afficher une attitude plus solonnelle.

 “Argentina is actually one of the very rare good news stories in the world,” Haass said, referring to the government’s transition from former President Cristina Kirchner. “You have a new democratic government. They’re doing the right things economically, they’re doing the right things politically. It’s a good story.”

 “However, the advance person who let him do the tango, that person ought to be looking for work on somebody’s — in somebody’s campaign very, very far away,” Haass remarked. “That was a tremendous mistake. It’s fine to go to Argentina, you want to do the work, but you’ve got to be careful of these little photo ops and optics. Baseball games and tangos, that’s inconsistent with the seriousness of the day.”

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