vendredi 20 mai 2016

Hillary Clinton en a assez: "je suis passée par là"

Hillary Clinton ne pouvait être plus claire ce matin. La course qui l'opposait à Obama en 2008 était plus serrée que la campagne 2012 et elle s'est tout de même ralliée à son opposant. Comme Donald Trump est maintenant seul chez les républicains, les démocrates devraient s'unir.

 "I went all the way to the end against then-Senator Obama. I won nine out of the last 12 contests back in ’08. I won Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia. So I know the intense feelings that arise, particularly among your supporters as you go toward the end. But we both were following the same rules just as both Senator Sanders and I are following the same rules, and I’m 3 million votes ahead of him and I have an insurmountable lead in pledge delegates and I’m confident that just as I did with Senator Obama, where I said, you know what? It was really close. Much closer. Much closer than it is between me and Senator Sanders right now."

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