samedi 21 mai 2016

Obama a la cote: il grimpe dans les sondages

Le taux d'approbation de Barack Obama est en hausse constante depuis le début de l'année. Satisfaction à l'égard de sa seule performance? Réaction au caractère un peu particulier de la campagne présidentielle? Obama pourrait bien quitter ses fonctions sur une note positive. Je l'affirme depuis un certain déjà, mais plusieurs de nos voisins du sud risquent de s'ennuyer du premier président noir...

 "Among the groups that have seen the biggest increases in approval of Obama since last May are Hispanics, people under 30, women and people who identify their political ideology as "independent." (This isn't the same as those who identify their party as independent. It's on the liberal-conservative spectrum, not the Democrat-Republican one.) There's probably some overlap between those independent people and young people, since younger Americans are less likely to pick an ideological label. The increase among Hispanics may also be linked directly to the presidential election."

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