jeudi 12 mai 2016

Paul Ryan joue-t-il son avenir?

Un autre effet de la candidature de Donald Trump, le Speaker de la chambre des représentants Paul Ryan est placé devant un choix difficile. Doit-il serrer les rangs et se ranger derrière le candidat des électeurs du parti ou maintenir la ligne dure et s'éloigner d'un candidat dans le lequel il n'a pas confiance? Les deux hommes se rencontrent ce matin.

 "Ryan, though, is the personification of the split inside the Republican Party caused by Trump's stunning rise during the last year. Ryan, the 2012 GOP vice presidential nominee, is a serious policy wonk who has made a career out of building an image as a Ronald Reagan-Jack Kemp hybrid — ideologically strident but with a sunny disposition. Trump, on the other hand, is an uber-rich political showman who has rejected much of the conservative agenda for his own cult of personality built on his assertion that he will make America and Americans winners again somehow.

Ryan has bashed Trump publicly on several occasions, and Trump has fired right back. Ryan has refused to outright endorse Trump, while Trump has countered that he doesn't care what Ryan does."

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