jeudi 22 septembre 2016

Hillary Clinton domine Donald Trump au collège électoral selon CNN

CNN vient de mettre à jour son calcul des grands électeurs et si cette carte est précise l'avance de la candidate démocrate est intéressante malgré la progression récente de Donald Trump.

 "For all of the endless talk about Florida, Ohio and North Carolina, it is perhaps most important to keep your eye on Clinton's performance in the states that are leaning her way, but not solidly in her camp. Pennsylvania, Colorado, Michigan, and Virginia are the core of Clinton's current stronger and more viable path to 270. If Trump begins to find significant inroads to any of those blue-leaning states, that will set off some alarm bells at her Brooklyn HQ and suggest a more viable path for Trump.

It is not enough for Trump to simply win the remaining 70 electoral votes in the battleground states -- that only gets him to 266. He still needs to chip away at Clinton's Democratic leaning firewall."

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