dimanche 25 septembre 2016

L'homme de Trump à Moscou: le mystère plane

Carter Page (photo) serait un des principaux conseillers de Donad Trump en politique étrangère. L'homme prétend détenir des années d'expérience de négociations en Russie. Pourtant, personne là-bas ne semble le connaître... Sinon pour des affaires louches.

 “I had not heard of Carter Page before it came out in the media,” says another prominent Western businessman who has worked in the former Soviet Union for over two decades. “But I am getting a lot of emails from friends asking, ‘Have you heard of this guy?’”

“Strangely, I've never heard of Carter Page until this Trump connection,” Bill Browder responded to me in an email. He was one of the biggest Western players in the Russian market until President Vladimir Putin turned on him and Browder became his fierce critic. “It's odd, because I've heard of every other financier who was a player on Moscow at the time.”

Someone, apparently, has heard of him: On Friday, Yahoo News reported that Page was being probed by U.S. intelligence for purported back-channel ties to Russian leaders. The story resurfaced the name of a character who’d all but vanished from the campaign, and reawakened questions about who, exactly, Trump was surrounding himself with."


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