jeudi 22 septembre 2016

Obama défenseur de l'Arabie saoudite?

Jusqu'à maintenant les relations entre l'administration Obama et l'Arabie saoudite étaient pour le moins complexes, mais le Président doit maintenant se livrer à une expérience d'équilibriste qui risque de soulever l'indignation aux États-Unis.

 "Obama has cast the Saudis as "so-called" allies; bemoaned the terrorist-inspiring version of Islam they practice; and even suggested the oil-rich Arab state learn to "share" the Middle East with rival Iran. The Saudis, meanwhile, consider Obama naive, sparring with him over the Iran nuclear deal and questioning his hands-off approach to Syria’s bloody civil war.

 Despite these differences, Obama has promised to veto a bill that Congress passed unanimously allowing families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia over alleged links to the 2001 terrorist attacks.

That Obama and Riyadh find themselves on the same side against Congress underscores the bizarre evolution of U.S.-Saudi ties over the past eight years. An alliance once unquestioned in Washington now faces an extraordinary level of criticism, but the two countries still need each other enough that a breakup is simply not in the cards."

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