vendredi 30 septembre 2016

Shimon Peres: un dernier hommage des leaders de 70 pays

Le Président Obama a été le dernier orateur de la cérémonie et il a insisté sur l'importance de son action et de son héritage politique.

 "A younger generation will “probably remember him for a peace process that never reached its end,” Obama said, noting that critics on the left wanted Peres to acknowledge Israel’s failings, while those on the right believed he “refused to see the true wickedness of world and called him naive.”

“I don’t think he was naive. He understood from hard-earned experience that true security comes from making peace with your neighbors,” he said, comparing Peres to South African President Nelson Mandela. “He believed that the Zionist idea was best protected when the Palestinians have a state of their own.”

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