dimanche 18 décembre 2016

Les grands électeurs assiégés

Rarement a-t-on autant exercé de pression sur les 538 membres du collège électoral. Pour plusieurs il s'agit d'une dernière tentative désespérée de bloquer l'élection de Donald Trump. Pour ma part j'ai rarement autant expliqué leur rôle dans les médias.

 "There have been ad campaigns targeting electors and op-eds assailing their role. One Democratic member of Congress has called to delay the vote for president while an investigation of Russian involvement in the election is underway. Two others have pleaded with electors to consider Russia’s role when deciding how to vote. Progressive groups are preparing protests across the country at sites where electors will meet to cast their ballots. Personal contact information for many electors has been posted publicly — and it’s been used to bury them with massive email campaigns."


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