vendredi 23 décembre 2016

Résolution de l'O.N.U. pour freiner la colonisation juive: la Maison Blanche rompt avec la tradition

Une manière pour l'administration Obama d'afficher son mécontentement et sa frustration face aux comportements d'Israël? On peut l'affirmer sans se tromper. Le dossier passera bientôt entre les mains de l'administration Trump.

 "The resolution declares settlements constructed on land Israel has occupied since the 1967 war, including East Jerusalem, have “no legal validity.” It said settlements threaten the viability of the two-state solution, and it urged Israelis and Palestinians to return to negotiations that lead to two independent nations.

The United States’ abstention Friday was a rare rebuke to Israel, and reflected mounting frustration in the Obama administration over settlement growth that the United States considers an obstacle to peace. With President Obamas time in office due to end in barely a month, his decision not to veto was a symbolic statement of that displeasure."

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