jeudi 26 janvier 2017

Trump et les ordres exécutifs: spectaculaires, mais efficaces?

Pendant la période de transition, la garde rapprochée de Donald Trump a mentionné à plusieurs reprises que le nouveau Président démarrerait son mandat sur les chapeaux de roues et qu'il annoncerait un train de mesure. On ne peut nier que de ce côté il respecte son engagement. Cet article souligne cependant que derrière l'aspect spectaculaire des plus récentes annonces, on décèle cependant des informations qui permettent de croire que ces mesures ne soient pas réalisables. Un des problèmes? Trump consulte trop peu.

 "Just a small circle of officials at the Department of Health and Human Services knew about the executive action starting to unwind Obamacare, and only less than two hours before it was released. Key members of Congress weren’t consulted either, according to several members. And at a conference in Philadelphia, GOP legislators say they had no idea whether some of the executive orders would contrast with existing laws — because they hadn't reviewed them.

The breakneck pace of Trump’s executive actions might please his supporters, but critics are questioning whether the documents are being rushed through without the necessary review from agency experts and lawmakers who will bear the burden of actually carrying them out. For example, there are legal questions on how the country can force companies building pipelines to use materials manufactured domestically, which might not be available or which could violate trade treaty obligations. There’s also the question of whether the federal government can take billions from cities who don’t comply with immigration enforcement actions: Legal experts said it was unclear."

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