lundi 29 mai 2017

Emmanuel Macron dénonce la "propagande" russe

Alors qu'il accueillait Vladimir Poutine à Versailles, le nouveau président français n'a pas ménagé des médias, Russia Today et Sputnik, qu'il considère être des agents de propagande. S'il souhaitait resserrer les liens avec la Russie, son entrée en matière était pour le moins cocasse.

 "The Kremlin has denied involvement, and Putin on Monday reiterated that Russia never meddled in the French election. He did, however, defend his decision to receive the pro-Russian Le Pen in Moscow in late March, one month before the first vote in the two-round French election.

 Putin told reporters that Macron had not broached the subject of the cyberattack in their talks on Monday.

“We are quite capable of trying to move forward together in terms of the so-called Russian interference in the elections,” Putin said at a news conference in response to a question. “The issue has not been raised. The French president did not show any interest, and I even less.”

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