lundi 5 juin 2017

Donald Trump s'en prend à Sadiq Khan

Alors que le pays et la ville doivent composer avec une deuxième attaque en très peu de temps, le Président américain concentre ses interventions sur le maire de Londres et il ne le ménage pas. S'il est vrai que les dirigeants ont bien d'autres choses à faire que de "gazouiller" avec Donald Trump, je m'étonne qu'on ne condamne pas carrément ses propos.

"Prime Minister Theresa May came to Khan's defense, saying he was doing a "good job" and that they were working together closely in the wake of the weekend attack.

"I think Sadiq Khan is doing a good job and it's wrong to say anything else - he's doing a good job," May told reporters after a general election campaign speech.

May declined to directly criticize Trump for his tweet, which has prompted a fierce backlash in Britain.

Asked what it would take for her to publicly criticize the US President, May suggested that she "was not afraid" to speak out when Trump "gets things wrong."

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