samedi 9 septembre 2017

Les Dreamers connaissent la joute politique

Ils sont culturellement américains et ils savent s'organiser. Des manifestations ont eu lieu tout de suite après l'annonce faite par Jeff Sessions. Sont-ils suffisamment nombreux et bien organisés pour obliger les politiciens à bouger?

 "Until now the Dream movement, even when it was growing, has not always been visible, because of the constant risk that people without legal immigration status could pay for activism with the high price of deportation. The Dream Act, a bill providing a pathway to citizenship for young undocumented immigrants, from which the Dreamers take their name, was first introduced in Congress in 2001. But for years it languished unnoticed with little popular support.

But every Dreamer has a moment, generally towards the end of high school, when he or she first confronts the hard limitations of being undocumented in America. Often it comes when they want driver’s licenses, financial aid for college or a first real job. Before DACA, the barriers could become insurmountable, forcing young people to recede into the low-paying limbo of the shadow economy. And about a decade ago, as a large generation of undocumented youth came of age, many of them started to reject the constraints, and a movement began to take shape."

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