mercredi 20 septembre 2017

Obama dénonce sévèrement le plan républicain pour abroger Obamacare

Barack Obama intervient peu dans les médias depuis son départ de la Maison-Blanche, mais parmi les sujets sensibles pour lesquels il rompt le silence se trouve la couverture médicale. La plus récente tentative républicaine d'abroger Obamacare laisserait les plus démunis sans réelle alternative.

 "In a speech and question-and-answer session that closely resembled the types of appearances he favored as president, Obama called repeated efforts to repeal his signature health care law "frustrating." He defended institutions like the United Nations as essential to collective diplomacy. And he warned against nationalism and xenophobia, saying they threaten to stymie progress that has made the world more livable.

"It may be frustrating that we have to mobilize every couple months to keep our leaders from inflicting real human suffering on their constituents," Obama said of the health care battle. "But typically, that's how progress is won."

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