vendredi 13 octobre 2017

Accord sur le nucléaire iranien: Donald Trump demande au Congrès de se prononcer

Le Congrès a maintenant soixante jours pour décider d'imposer ou non les sanctions levées en 2015.

 "Trump is suspicious of Iranian aims and has long cast the nuclear deal as weak and flawed, in part because some of its provisions expire starting within a decade. He has pushed back against the advice of Tillerson and other top aides to keep certifying the deal, even though international inspectors say Iran is in compliance.

Trump’s decision to decertify the deal by mid-October will start a 60-day clock for lawmakers to decide whether to reimpose U.S. sanctions on Iran. Tillerson said that Trump would decertify it on the grounds that he does not believe the sanctions relief that Iran is getting is proportional to benefits that come from Iran’s efforts to curb its nuclear program."

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