samedi 21 octobre 2017

Donald Trump pourrait freiner la divulgation de certaines archives de John F. Kennedy

Plus tôt cette semaine, dans une chronique et sur mon carnet web, je mentionnais que d'ici la fin de la semaine prochaine on divulguera l totalité des archives de l'administration Kennedy. Je mentionnais que seul le Président a le pouvoir empêcher la divulgation de ces renseignements secrets. il semble que Donald Trump soit sur le point de retenir certaines de ces archives, une décision à laquelle les Archives Nationales s'opposent.

 "Administration officials would not identify what specific information related to Kennedy’s murder might be kept secret on Trump’s orders, though they acknowledged concern over classified documents held at the Archives that were created decades after the assassination—specifically, in the 1990s.

The officials held out a slim possibility that the always-unpredictable Trump could decide at the last minute to release all the remaining JFK files held at the Archives—tens, if not hundreds of thousands, of pages of long-secret documents—but said it was highly unlikely, especially because of concern that documents from the 1990s might expose relatively recent American intelligence and law-enforcement operations. Some of those documents could be partially released, with some of the information blacked out, they said."

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