samedi 7 octobre 2017

Trump en voie d'être réélu (Doug Sosnik, Washington Post)

Doug Sosnik insiste sur le fait que l'impopularité du Président dans les sondages ne constitue en rien un indicateur de sa défaite en 2020.

 "In order to maintain and nurture his base, Trump will continue to embrace conflict, which will probably solidify his historically low approval ratings. Trump cannot win a two-person race this way. But he can prevail in a field with strong independent candidates on the ballot.

So for Democrats and others who want to beat Trump, unifying behind one candidate will be essential. In addition, Trump must carry Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in 2020 to win. Efforts should begin now to chip away at his support in these states.

It would be as big a mistake to assume that Trump cannot win reelection in 2020 as it was for those of us who never thought that he could become president in the first place."

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