lundi 6 novembre 2017

Un nouveau Parti démocrate?

Malgré les déchirements actuels, le Parti démocrate peut-il se relancer en unissant les forces progressistes pour s'opposer à "l'erreur historique" que constitue l'élection de Donald Trump? Malgré quelques réserves, Charles M. Blow semble le croire.

 "Liberals have the will and determination to turn this giant mistake around, to pressure their elected officials or possibly replace them. They have the resolve to resist Trump by every means at their disposal, while clinging to the hope that he might one day be replaced.

 The only issue I see is that these efforts seem to be operating separately from the national Democratic Party, a dinosaur of bureaucratic machinery in an evolved age of direct democratic action.

Liberalism has leapt over the Democratic Party. Liberalism has its eye on a new beginning, while the mainstream party is stuck looking backward and bickering. The Resistance isn’t part of the old Democratic Party; The Resistance is the new Democratic Party, or at least its future."

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