vendredi 5 janvier 2018

Michael Wolff , auteur de "Fire and fury", est-il crédible?

Vigoureusement critiqué par la Maison-Blanche et menacé de poursuites par Donald Trump, Michael Wolff affirmait ce matin que son livre intitulé "Fire and Fury. Inside the Trump hite House" reposait sur des bases solides. Je vous laisse ici quelques opinions de journalistes sur le travail d'un auteur controversé qui ne craint pas d'en découdre avec ses critiques.

 "Wolff, a longtime chronicler of Manhattan’s power elite who did not respond to requests for comment, has faced accusations in the past of playing loose with facts in his columns and books, and of not honoring ground rules with sources.

In a 2004 profile, The New Republic’s Michelle Cottle wrote that “the scenes in his columns aren't recreated so much as created — springing from Wolff's imagination rather than from actual knowledge of events.” Instead of conventional reporting, she wrote, Wolff “absorbs the atmosphere and gossip swirling around him at cocktail parties, on the street, and especially during those long lunches at Michael's."

The late New York Times media columnist David Carr wrote in a review of Wolff’s 2008 biography of Fox News mogul Rupert Murdoch, “The Man Who Owns the News,” that “historically one of the problems with Wolff’s omniscience is that while he may know all, he gets some of it wrong.”"

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