mercredi 10 janvier 2018

Recy Taylor: entretien avec l'historienne Danielle McGuire

Lors de son désormais célèbre discours pendant la cérémonie des Golden Globes Oprah Winfrey a évoqué l'histoire de Recy Taylor. Cette femme noire qui fut violée par six hommes en 1944 a été un exemple de courage et de dignité dont vont s'inspirer les activistes du NAACP. Je vous laisse le lien vers un entretien avec l'historienne Danielle McGuire.

 "No. She was not an activist. After she was assaulted, she immediately told what happened. She told her father, her husband, the sheriff, and then she went home. And then the family was terrorized, and her house was firebombed. And she, her husband, and toddler, had to move in with her father. Her father had to sit up all night protecting the house with his Winchester rifle. She couldn’t go into town after dark. Neither could her sisters. They were really limited and terrified. For a time the NAACP moved her to Montgomery for her safety, but she wasn’t comfortable there and moved back home … She had siblings to care for, and she had her own child to care for, and she had a life to lead, and so—like women everywhere—she just kept living her life. She was not an activist, but her bold testimony at the time is remarkable, then and now."

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