dimanche 11 février 2018

Le Parti républicain est devenu le parti de la dette (éditorial New York Times)

Les dernières négociations entourant le budget ont soulevé l'indignation de quelques conservateurs au plan fiscal dont le Sénateur du Kentucky Rand Paul. L'équipe éditoriale du New York Times dénonce ici l'hypocrisie d'un parti qui maintes fois critiqué les administrations démocrates pour leurs dépenses dans les programmes sociaux.

 "So much for all that sanctimony about fiscal responsibility. Forever and always, it can now be said that Republican lawmakers care about the federal deficit only when they want to use it to bash Democratic presidents.

After embracing $1.5 trillion in debt by slashing taxes on corporations and wealthy families in December, the Republican leaders in Congress pushed through a two-year budget deal on Friday that will increase spending by nearly $400 billion. While a lot of that money will be spent on important priorities like disaster relief, infrastructure and education, a big chunk of it will go to an excessive and unnecessary military buildup. Contrast this with the parsimony Republican lawmakers displayed in 2011 when they refused to raise the federal debt limit until President Barack Obama agreed to deep cuts to government programs.

“If you were against President Obama’s deficits, and now you’re for the Republican deficits, isn’t that the very definition of hypocrisy?” Senator Rand Paul said as he held up passage of the budget bill for a few hours — perhaps until he realized that the definition fit him, too, since he had voted for the tax cuts that will blow up the deficit."


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