vendredi 9 mars 2018

Donald Trump aura son défilé, mais sans les chars d'assaut

Le défilé aurait bel et bien lieu et les paramètres de l'organisation se précisent.

 "The event, which will take place Nov. 11, will include troops from different branches, highlight the growing role of women in the armed forces and have a “heavy air component” of modern and historic war planes, the memo says. Also participating will be veterans groups and the ceremonial Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps.

But it will not feature tanks rolling between the White House and Capitol to “minimize damage to local infrastructure,” the memo says.

"This parade will focus on the contributions of our veterans throughout the history of the U.S. military, starting from the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 to today, with an emphasis on the price of freedom," adds the guidance from Defense Secretary Jim Mattis' office to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff."

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