mardi 17 avril 2018

Pourquoi Shinzo Abe a-t-il besoin de Donald Trump?

C'est un premier ministre japonais en difficulté chez lui qui se présentera bientôt à Mar-A-Lago. Il compte bien profiter de cette visite pour redorer son blason.

 "One: Stop the Tariff Insanity. Japan’s government was just as shocked as corporate chieftains to see Abe’s pal refuse to give Tokyo an exemption on new levies. Equally shocking is Trump’s apparent U-turn on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. In January 2017, three days into his presidency, Trump reneged on Barack Obama’s China-containing, 12-nation trade deal.

It humiliated Abe, who 67 days earlier hustled to Trump Tower to head off Washington’s TPP exit. Twelve months later, Trump added salt to those wounds by adopting a weak dollar policy and slapping duties on steel and aluminum—25 percent and 10 percent, respectively. He doled out exemptions to Canada, Mexico and others, but none for best-friend Abe. Then came Trump’s proposed $150 billion worth of taxes on goods from China, Japan’s main export market.

Trump’s sudden TPP flirtation could either end in triumph for Abe or ignominy. Obama’s trade deal was a cornerstone of “Abenomics,” the prime minister’s three-phase plan to defeat deflation and take on China. It meant cajoling powerful vested interests—including agriculture and fisheries – to lower defenses and modernize. Abe spent vast sums of political capital getting his Liberal Democratic Party, which has held power almost continuously since 1955, on board."

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