mardi 15 mai 2018

Tom Wolfe meurt à 88 ans

Si Wolfe évoquera toujours pour moi "The right Stuff", il fut d'abord un journaliste qui a contribué au développement du "nouveau journalisme" dans les années 1960.

 "Mr. Wolfe chronicled the rise of the hippie generation in “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test” (1968), mocked the pretensions of Manhattan liberals in “Radical Chic” (1970) and of the art world in “The Painted Word” (1975). He gleefully violated the city editor’s dictum to trim each sentence to a sleek, understated nugget of news: For Mr. Wolfe, no verbal extravagance was too much.

“American journalism has never had a practitioner who combined the attributes of talent, audacity, learning, legwork, and pure observation as well as Tom Wolfe,” author and scholar Ben Yagoda wrote in “The Art of Fact,” a 1997 anthology of narrative nonfiction."

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